Avec Brian.
Sans Brian.
OK, so i nearly disappeared up my own end writing this Beach Boys thing. Seriously - it was getting on for 10,000 words! So lets make it crystal clear - for the benefit of everyone's psychological well-being, NO MORE EPIC SLOGS! They can't possibly be worth the effort, especially given that, beyond my own opinions, i'm mostly repeating what's already out there in biographies, interviews etc. Plus i can probably do something of more interest with a fraction of the word count anyway. For example, this...
Casual Beach Boys fans might find it a real eye-opener. Others, mainly BW obsessives like myself, might find it borderline patronising ("as IF we hadn't heard the 'Love You' album!"). Then there will be those who couldn't really give a damn about The Beach Boys, which is OK too.
Obviously i've avoided 'Pet Sounds' and 'SMiLE'. I've also stayed away from 'Sunflower' and 'Surf's Up' on account of their recent-ish critical renaissance, but if you ain't got them, you need them!!! Possibly.
Avec Brian, sans Beach Boys.
1. Still I Dream Of It (1976/77)
Written by Brian during his brief return to health during the mid-70's. He's clearly still in disarray (his voice was shot to pieces by coke and smoke), but at least it's leading to some beautiful music.
Here's the home demo...
...and here's the final 'Adult Child' version offered to (but rejected by) Frank Sinatra .
2. All This Is That (1972)
Nothing to do with Brian. OR Dennis! This is the Carl, Al and Mike show and a good example of the kind of jewel that just pops up on otherwise uneventful albums.
3. The Night Was So Young (1977)
My personal favourite from the Marmite album to end all Marmite albums, 1977's 'The Beach Boys Love You', basically Brian's mid-70's musical diary. The production's pretty bizarre but the song underneath is extraordinary.
4. Barbara (1971)
Maybe my favourite Dennis song (although 'Pacific Ocean Blue' REALLY has its moments). Just two pianos, barely-there guitar and a heartbreaking vocal.
5. Solar System (1977)
Further 'Love You' weirdness. Exquisite melody, plus lyrics like "if Mars had life on it, i might find my wife on it".
6. Can't Wait Too Long (1967/68)
Late 60's sketch from Brian. Fragmentary yet astounding bag of ideas.
7. Life Is For The Living (1977)
Oddly rousing swing opener to rejected 'Adult Child' album. "Don't sit around on your ass, smoking grass, that stuff went out a long time ago!".
8. Johnny Carson (1977)
The strangest moment on the deeply strange 'Love You' album. Ridiculous lyrics on top of a heroically idiosyncratic arrangement. (Sorry, poor quality sound on video, just take my word for it!)
9. I Went To Sleep (1969)
Hidden beauty from '20/20'. Soporific in the best possible sense.
10. I'll Bet He's Nice (1977)
Another glistening ballad from 'Love You'. Sure Dennis sounds gruff as hell, sure the synth bass is farting away but THAT SONG!
Plus home demo.
11. Cuddle Up (1972)
Towering Dennis showpiece from 'Carl And The Passions - So Tough'.
12. Little Pad (1967)
From the 'SMiLE' aftermath. Stoned intro hysterics lead into heavenly humming and wistful ukulele.
13. Baby Blue (1979)
Touching Dennis fare from the otherwise-mediocre 'LA Light' album.
14. Sail Plane Song (1968/69)
Brian does haunted psych...
...then it gets smothered in amiable whimsy as 'Loop De Loop'.
15. Time To Get Alone (1969)
Harpsichord-led gem from '20/20'.
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